Religious Education
"They both really like coming here. I hear some other others talking about kids not wanting to come to church. But my kids have always loved it. It’s been a good space. It’s nice especially with my older daughter--My older daughter is in 6th grade now. She’s developed the friendships of people in her group. The classes change a little bit each year but there’s still kind of a core group of folks. She has relationship and a community here and she likes it. And the little one too. She really likes going to church school. She actually likes going to services too. Sometimes she’ll say, 'lets just go to service.'" 1
She has a relationship and a community here.
Religious education at First Universalist is extremely progressive, with classes ranging from discussions on morality, same-sex families, community, inter-religious education, sexuality, and more. 2 In these spaces, youth are encouraged to talk openly with each other about issues that they are working through and create community spaces to engage with each other.