Worship and Prayer
There is no excuse not to pray
Out of twenty four [hours], Allah says give me… twenty-five minutes... You can’t call yourself a Muslim if you don’t perform your prayers.
Are you a Muslim if you don't pray?
The only difference between us, is the performance of - if you leave your prayers, you become one of them. When you abandon your salat, you become one of them. You can’t call yourself a Muslim if you don’t perform your prayers....And not only that, one who abandons his prayers is charged with a very serious crime in Islam....One who abandons his or her prayers is charged with a very serious crime in Islam.
Imam Dukuley talks about righteous deeds and different kinds of worship.
Acts of Worship
Yes, we are our own witnesses. You don’t accept that. If you have an employee, and you employed that employee for a specific job and the person can’t do it, you keep them and pay them? Can you do that? Sister. All of you. Can anybody, you know? So you can’t do it. So you think Allah wants that. So you will dismiss yourself from the fold of Islam, from the fold of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala if you don’t do what Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala asks you to do.
Above the Angels
Any act of obedience to Allah is an act of worship...If you worship Allah they way He wants you to worship Him, ...and don’t do mischief….your position with Allah will be higher than the angels…They don’t have desires. They are programmed only to worship Allah… you have the choice.