
American flags dot the Eckankar campus.

The prevalence of American flags flying in prominent places across the Eckankar campus speaks to a respect of national allegiance. Eckankar text advises, “Eckankar regards military service as a matter of individual choice and responsibility and does not encourage or condone resistance to service in the armed forces. Many ECKists either currently serve in armed forces or are veterans of past service.”1 However, Harold Klemp offers a warning in regards to patriotism and national devotion. In Youth Ask a Modern Prophet, he writes, “Blind patriotism often backfires. Later, to their regret, people may find they’ve surrendered basic rights during a hot flash of patriotic fervor. It is like a drunken stupor. In Eckankar, we recognize the imperfection of life on earth, and we do fulfill our duties to the state. However, we’re always mindful of our calling to God. It comes first.”2

Blind patriotism often backfires. Later, to their regret, people may find they’ve surrendered basic rights during a hot flash of patriotic fervor.

  1. Eckankar, About Eckankar (Chanhassen, MN: Eckankar, 2003), 6.

  1. Harold Klemp, Youth Ask A Modern Prophet about Life, Love, and God (Chanhassen, MN: Eckankar, 2004), 178.