Holidays, Events, and Fundraising

Hindu Holidays 

Like Hindu temples worldwide, Milan Mandir celebrates several holidays throughout the year. These holidays range from celebrations of deities, to celebrations of the Guru, to more general celebrations that mark certain times of year. These celebrations connect the Hindu Milan Mandir to Hindus in Minnesota and around the world. This page includes examples of posters and event descriptions sent out by Satya Balroop via email to a list of about four hundred people who have signed up at temple events or services. 


An effective way to raise money for the temple is through fundraising at these events. Often food will cost a small fee, and many guests will show their support through donations. When the temple needed to fix its roof, fundraising through events helped cover the cost in a significant way. 

Also, many of these events encourage donations to the temple through sponsorship of a puja (devotional rituals which require paying for oils for lamps, camphor for burning, and fruit), or prasad (ritualized food eaten by the congregation after puja).