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Located in a small strip mall in the eruv is Elijah's Cup, a Jewish bookstore that also sells other religious and cultural items, like Kiddush cups and Menorahs. In the window, the shop advertises a new Mah Jongg standard rules card. A popular parlor…

The engraved stone plaque outside the church which reads, "THE CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION: THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH AND DWELT AMONG US"

Exterior view of Incarnation Church from Pleasant Avenue. The building is home to two connected Catholic communities: the Church of the Incarnation and Sagrado Corazón de Jesus.

One of the small signs located around the borders of the Kingfield neighborhood in South Minneapolis that welcome visitors.

The sign outside the church at the corner of Pleasant Avenue and 38th Street. Only the Incarnation name is featured, but leaders from Spanish and English services are listed.

A view of the Darchei Noam Modern-Orthodox Synagogue in St. Louis Park.

The congregation of Bais Yisroel places a great emphasis on religious study and lifelong learning. Classrooms at Bais Yisroel are home to serious Torah, Talmud, and Hebrew study for both children and adults. The classrooms at Bais Yisroel are also…

Front view of Bais Yisroel Orthodox Synagogue in St. Louis Park.

4 Buddhas with different mudras. The center one is Dhyana (meditation), the left one is Dharmachakra (teaching), and the one on the right is Abhaya (no fear). The mudra not pictured is the “forgiveness” mudra.