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  • Tags: COVID-19

A sign outside St. Mary's Cathedral in St Cloud in March 2020 proclaiming that, "faith and hope are not canceled" after public Mass was suspended.

The call to prayer broadcast in the Cedar Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis during the COVID-19 pandemic.

An apartment complex in the Cedar Riverside neighborhood that is the target of the public call to prayer during Ramadan in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lords Prayer on Zoom May 10 2020.mp3
The Lord's Prayer from a Zoom service at Trinity Episcopal Excelsior.

A sample social media post provided by the Minnesota Department of Health for places of worship to post.


The Minnesota Department of Health's guidelines for minimal Hmong funeral proceedings that still adequately honor tradition and the dead.

In line with public health guidelines and the recommendations of Muslim leaders and organizations, the Muslim American Society of Minnesota cancelled in-person gatherings at Minnesota masajid (mosques).

Mourners practice the tradition of 'sitting shiva.'

COVID-19 stay at home orders caused many places of worship to close their doors. This church in Claremont, CA advertised its virtual services on Facebook while in-person gatherings came to a halt in April 2020.