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The engraved stone plaque outside the church which reads, "THE CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION: THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH AND DWELT AMONG US"

The sign outside the church at the corner of Pleasant Avenue and 38th Street. Only the Incarnation name is featured, but leaders from Spanish and English services are listed.

Inscription in the MN State Capitol, right outside the MN Senate chamber

Sign on wall of children's classrooms saying what Islam is and what Islam is not- sharing positive celebration of all religions

JRLC Board Members Jason Atkins, Rev. Peg Chamberlin, and Brian Rusche testify on increasing minimum wage

Executive Director Anne Krisnik speaks at the annual Day on the Hill event.

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First Universalist Congregants at the Mall of America Protest, as part of the Black Lives Matter Minneapolis movement

Incarnation/Sagrado Corazón is just a mile away from the George Floyd memorial at the intersection of 38th and Chicago where Floyd was murdered in South Minneapolis. Lake Street to the north bore the brunt of the damage from destructive riots and…

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The First Universalist choir at a Sunday worship service