The outdoor temple of the Watt. In the foreground the Buddha statue is has the Bhumisparsha mudra, or the earth touching or earth witness mudra. This mudra, formed with all five fingers of the right hand extended to touch the ground, symbolizes the…
A reclining Buddha is represents the historical Buddha during his last illness, about to enter the Nirvana. He is lying on the right flank, his head resting on a cushion or relying on his right elbow, supporting his head with his…
The wheels around the stupa and the temple represent the dhamma (dharma in Sanskrit). Dhamma is widely defined to be the words of the Buddha, the practice of his teaching, and the attainment of enlightenment. Dhamma is not just doctrines; it is…
This Buddha is the Buddha who has yet to come to earth. Known as Maitreya in Sanskrit and Metteyya in Pali, this Buddha is regarded as a bodhisattva who will appear on Earth in the future, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma.…
Ven. Vicheth Chum Talks about Day to Day Responsibilities as a Monk.
"Our services our busy every day, mostly every weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. People make ceremony in this hall. Sometime they invite us to their home for seven days or one…
Hao Hou describes the process of his "Americanization" with respect to his understanding of Buddhist prayers and chanting as well as the physical size of his altar space at home.
"At the temple where we pray and saying some of those things,…