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  • Collection: Watt Munisotaram

Cambodianimmigration To U.S..graphicjpg.jpg
Infographic about Cambodian Immigration to the U.S. and Theravada Buddhism

A child climbs on top of a sleeping Buddha (while an adult watches out of frame).
The group, a mix of girls and boys, dances in traditional Cambodian
attire to traditional Cambodian music. Additionally, children are taught
to play Cambodian instruments.

The community center under construction. It will be used for plays, dancing, pageantry, teaching of Khmer, and guest housing for well attended festivals and ceremonies.

Japanese lilacs line the edge of the reflection pond.

The wheels around the stupa and the temple represent the dhamma (dharma in Sanskrit). Dhamma is widely defined to be the words of the Buddha, the practice of his teaching, and the attainment of enlightenment. Dhamma is not just doctrines; it is…

Donation pit in the center of the lower sanctuary where people can put money as an offering.

A list of donors who donated to the $200 buy a Buddha campaign on the wall which shows all the states that people had donated from including Minnesota, California, and Illinois.
I am educational motivator. I motivate my own Cambodian people, especially younger generations, to preserve our traditional Cambodian cultural heritage. My mission is to establish a Cambodian cultural heritage so the Cambodian generations [can] be…
Yet in the process of consecrating the boundary, there are evil spirits that want to prevent this holy act. Sour and Phan recount Watt Munisotaram’s struggle with the spirits here.