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  • Collection: Watt Munisotaram

Vicheth and Yav.JPG
Yav Socchea and Ven. Vicheth pose holding metal design made by Mr. Socchea.

Yav and his work.JPG
Architect and artist Yav Socchea stands with his cement work.

Watt Community Center.JPG
View of the front of the completed community center in the spring of 2017.

Watt Office.JPG
A furnished office space located inside of the community center, completed in the spring of 2017.

A pick-up truck converted into a golden Hamsa bird (an aquatic bird such as a goose or swan). Before airplanes, the Hamsa was the sacred, mythical vehicle.

Large plaque in the main temple outdoor area with portions of the Pali Canon. The particular portion on the plaque in the main courtyard of the Watt is the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, or The Discourse on Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in motion. The…