Personal Stories: Being Saved

Salvation means, in a Christian context, to be saved from sin and its consequences by faith in Christ. At Bethlehem, this is an important concept. Baptists emphasize the personal connection of the individual with God, so many church members have their own stories of how they knew they were saved. This page includes three such stories, collected in a series of 2012 interviews. 

"There’s a story in Acts about Paul when he was converted on the road to Damascus. And you know he was struck down- you know- blinded, and his life totally changed from persecuting Christians to being an evangelist- a disciple of Christ, and that’s what happened to me: my life was totally changed." - Char Ransom, 2012

Listen to "When I Think About the Lord," sung at Bethlehem Baptist Church on May 20, 2012. This song expresses the importance of being saved at Bethlehem.