A pick-up truck converted into a golden Hamsa bird (an aquatic bird such as a goose or swan). Before airplanes, the Hamsa was the sacred, mythical vehicle.
Hao Hou describes the process of his "Americanization" with respect to his understanding of Buddhist prayers and chanting as well as the physical size of his altar space at home.
"At the temple where we pray and saying some of those things,…
This building originally served as Hardwick's Presbyterian Church before being sold and becoming the Hardwick Community Church. After that congregation also dissolved, the Arthur Moeller Legion Post #478 purchased it in 1985. It was named a…
The Hardwick Fire Department was officially founded in 1899 when the city purchased 3 fire extinguishers. The first fire truck was purchased in 1929 and construction of the current building began in 1959.