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mall of america protest.jpg
First Universalist Congregants at the Mall of America Protest, as part of the Black Lives Matter Minneapolis movement

tar sands resistance march june 8 2015.jpg
First Universalist congregants participated in the Tar Sands Resistance March on June 6th, 2015 in the Twin Cities

Black Lives Matter
First Universalist congregants as well as ministers Justin and Elaine standing in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement outside of the Hennepin County Government Center

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A community meeting facilitated by Native Americans at the First Universalist, to discuss restoring Lake Calhoun's original name: Bde/Mde Maka Ska

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Earth Day Celebration at the First Universalist Church in the social hall

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Bill Elwood at the Environmental Justice table at First Universalist at the Earth Day celebration

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Justin, a First Universalist minister, at a Black Lives Matter protest in December, 2014

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The First Universalist choir at a Sunday worship service