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A picture of a statue on the exterior of Abbott Northwestern Hospital. The statue is called “Healing Spirit” and was originally a part of Mt. Sinai Hospital prior to the hospital’s integration with what today is known as Abbott Northwestern.

A picture of Abbott Northwestern Hospital's Heart Institute in Minneapolis.

A picture of the sign in front of Abbott Northwestern Hospital.

A picture of the sign that welcomes visitors to Abbott Northwestern Hospital.

Battalion Landing Team Chaplain, Navy Lieutenant John Hoke, holds Mass for members of the 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, in the middle of Operation ULYSSES IV, a motorized vehicular reconnaissance of south-central Afghanistan in April 2004.

Captain Chaplain Emil Kapaun leading Mass in October 1950 in Korea using the back of a Jeep as his makeshift altar.
Chaplaincy, in those cases, is like, you know, a doctor and a surgeon. A surgeon is the one that comes in and makes those small slices and attends to that one piece that needs to be removed and it might be something huge that the person would love to…
Well, I really see the role of the chaplain here [at Carleton] is to, I always say this, there's three parts to it. The first is to help people of all religious backgrounds to practice in whatever way is appropriate to them. So we have, I have a…

A photo of a thematically Christian sculpture of crosses at the University of Minnesota Hospital's Chemical Dependency Department

Dr. Richard Cabot was a fundamental figure in the beginnings of the Clinical Pastoral Education movement, along with Rev. Anton Boisen. He felt strongly that students of theology should be required to do clinical work and that this connection between…