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  • Collection: Watt Munisotaram

Vicheth and Yav.JPG
Yav Socchea and Ven. Vicheth pose holding metal design made by Mr. Socchea.

Yav and his work.JPG
Architect and artist Yav Socchea stands with his cement work.

Yanat Chhith 2.JPG
Yanat Chhith is the Vice-President of the Watt Munisotaram (as of 2017).

A woman volunteer decorating the doorways for Khmer New Year.
The Wattanak Benefit Party took place on Saturday, February 19 at the U
Garden Restaurant in Minneapolis. A buffet dinner was available from 7
to 9; from 9 to 12 was a live band and dance. During dinner the Wattanak
Troupe, the dance group,…