Zoning Laws

According to the City of Maplewood’s website, Chapter 44 of their city code, also called the “Zoning Ordinance,” dictates what activities are permitted within regulated districts.  Citing the example of not wanting to place a heavy industrial zone in a residential neighborhood, they claim, “The purpose of the ordinance is the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the community1.”  The law is the same one that prevents Sitagu Dhamma Vihara from having a sign outside, which means that their monastery goes unmarked.  Due to its position in a residential area, the city asked them to take down their sign, despite the presence of a church less than two blocks with a large sign.

  1. The City of Maplewood.  “Zoning.”  Accessed December 5, 2013. http://www.ci.maplewood.mn.us/index.aspx?NID=365.