To hear A Parishioner speak about the mass, and to hear a wonderful description of the importance of the mass in the Catholic faith, play the following clip:
Rolling hills, forest, and shrubbery surround the ECK Temple and constitute the rest of the 174-acre property. As one walks through the various rooms of the Temple, stands on the back deck, or even in the parking lot, one can quickly get a sense of…
Panger Ter Heurh notes a "disconnect" that she sees when youth view Christian ministry as the only way to serve God in their adult lives. She says that parents are often concerned about the lack of prestige and financial stability of ministry…
Pang Ter Heurh recounts her journey to becoming a youth leader as a result of her family's involvemnet in the church. She notes that the biggest trend for her growing up was the lack of consistent youth leaders: