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The golden EK on the back wall of the Chapel.
As one reflects upon the striking and unexpected appearance of a golden pyramidal roof rising out of Midwest prairie grasses, and juxtaposed with the ranch style houses and a quaint suburban landscape, it may seem surprising, even random, to find the…
Information booklet about The ECK Wedding Ceremony, produced by Eckankar
The 2011 Eckankar Journal contains stories and artwork by ECKists about their experiences with dreams, Soul Travel, and the Holy Spirit
The journals are released yearly and contain stories from ECKists all over the world. The journals are sold in the Eckankar gift shop.
The welcome sign at the front entrance to Eckankar

Women praying during Eid al-Adha.

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An image of Elaine Tenbrink, a minister at First Universalist

Anton Boisen, credited with the invention of the hospital chaplain, was himself chaplain at Elgin State Hospital near Chicago in the middle of the 1900s.

The Kosher Spot and Elijah's Cup are two Jewish stores off of Minnetonka Boulevard in the eruv.