Law of Non-Interference

One must “see the situation and hand it over to spirit” because, as Alice said, “the person has a problem, but they are also the solution.”

The Law of Non-Interference encourages ECKists to allow others to discover the answers to their own problems and issues. In chatting with Linda, Nancy, and Alice about the law, the women explained that the “ECK has reasons for things…things are going right as far as spirit it concerned” even if they seem to be problematic. One must “see the situation and hand it over to spirit” because, as Alice said, “the person has a problem, but they are also the solution.” To ECKists, every experience, good or bad, contains a lesson. According to Linda, “we don’t get in the way of [one’s] spiritual lesson” by trying to guide one into making a certain choice. “People have a right to do it their way, their business is their business.” The Law of Non-Interference came to the forefront of Alice’s experience working as a mentor. She noted that the most critical part of the job was listening rather than pressuring her mentee to make a particular choice.

We don’t get in the way of [one’s] spiritual lesson. —Linda