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  • Collection: Pipestone, Minnesota: Home of “The Peace Pipe”
The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 treated American Indians as individuals instead of members of tribes and emphisized assimilation.
Erikson on the Awakening of his Pipe:
The Three Maidens are the one of the first things a visitor sees at the park, when driving in towards the visitor center. The Maidens sit at the edge of the park property on a manicured lawn.
Catlinite pipes for sale at the Pipestone Shrine Association gift shop, which shares the same building with the National Park Service's visitor interpretive center.
Travis Erikson, a fourth generation pipestone artist, works as a cultural interpreter for that National Park Service
An enormous sculpture of a joined Chanupa sits in front of the Keepers of The Sacred Tradition of Pipermakers. Some Dakota members find this sculputre of a joined pipe offensive